A Parent’s Guide to Heartbreakers Softball and Expected Behavior
This must be read by all parents who plan to attend games, practices, or other team events. Our coaching staffs need your cooperation to make this season a total success. The content of the following message is not intended to insult or offend anyone. It is intended to ensure the quality of the game and the players experience.
Keep it Positive. Players perform better when being encouraged.
Please let the Coaches, Coach. There are a lot of things going on during a game and many voices floating through the air as well. Please cheer, but refrain from instructing your daughter during games. Instruction from too many people, tend to just confuse the player. If you see something that we are doing as coaches that you may have a question or concern over, please wait 24 hours, or the next practice, to speak to the coaches.
Umpires and Officials. We want these guys (or gals) on our side. Please refrain from critical remarks towards them. Remember, they are only human and will make mistakes as well. If the mistakes are happening way too often, let the coach’s deal with it. Irate parents on the sideline will not get us anywhere in a game. If you feel like you can’t hold it in, please walk away.
Respect. Please be courteous and respectful of the other players and their families. Refraining from making negative comments about other players while on the sidelines will help to insure a positive environment.
Communication. It can be a long season. If you or your daughter are unhappy about something, please let me know. That said, this is the 18u level; if you and/or your daughter have an issue with something, your daughter should be the first one to approach the head coach to rectify the issue. If there are still concerns by both you and your daughter, it is required that you wait 24 hours after any competitions to contact the Head Coach. Please be aware, that while e-mail can be a great communication tool, it can also be misleading. It can be difficult for the receiver to sort through the tone. If you have concerns, please call.
Dugout Boundaries. As stated previously, these young ladies are old enough now that they need to learn responsibility for themselves. Unless an emergency arises, the dugout is off limits to parents. Parents should refrain from catering to their daughter during games. Players need to ask permission to leave the dugout, which in most cases will be granted, if they need something that they don’t have in the dugout, or to use the restroom.
Your understanding and compliance will make this a great season for all! Help us to live in a “drama free zone” for the entire season.
Thank you!
Parent Acknowledgement
I, _______________, have read, understand, and accept the “Parents Guide to Heartbreakers Softball and Expected Behavior”. I understand that the coaching staff is volunteering their time for the good of the team and my daughter. I also understand that this is a competitive team and that playing time is not guaranteed. I also understand that due to the structure of how player fees are determined, If my daughter leaves the team prior to the end of the season, whether it be my or my daughters decision or a coaching decision, all monies paid into the team are forfeited.